Yes, that's right, you heard right... The Bertonian Battles rules have gone into the Ancients category. I suppose you might see thes guys as Ancient Romans, Carthaginians, and maybe Greeks, but I know better. They're Bertonians and Liliputians... (Bertonians are in blue, Liliputians are in orange...)

While the Liliputians break down on the Left and the Right, the middle is left open for the Liliputian Heavy Cavalry. They will decimate the Bertonian Bowmen...

And this is how things ended up... It was a pretty dirty battle, but the Liliputians actually had units that were coherent at the end, while the Bertonians had few, if any, that were not broken, or in danger of breaking. The rules are simple, just that each unit has 3 stats. First, movement in inches. Second, firepower equaling the number of six sided dice each unit rolls in combat. And third, armor value. When you attack, you seek to roll above the armor value. Each die rolled above the armor value equals a hit. 1 hit = target is "checked" 2 hits = target is "pushed" 3 hits = target is "routed" and 4 hits = target is "eliminated." Dirt simple, really... :)
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