I've been painting and basing some army guys lately. Here you can see a small squad consisting of a rifleman, a HMG (Heavy Machine Gun) and a Bazooka defending some of the centerpieces we bought at the auction for Trinity's One Hunderedth Anniversary. (Which did go rather well, by the way..., thanks be to God!)

And here you can see some of the havoc that squat made for a poor squad of riflemen... I'll probably have terrain and rules for a skirmish game like this for BertBatCon2008. Brian Ketelsen played a game like this at PALS a couple months ago. He wiped the floor with me, as usual. (But someone once told me that that was the sign of a good game, if you consistently loose a game that you created... :) ) Anyway, I'm excited. These guys paint up quite easily, and the bases are just cardboard covered with a layer of green paint and crushed parsely flakes... :) Look for further posts concerning a set of skirmish rules, probably in about three to four weeks due to pastoral, familial, and synodical commitments... :) Again, tell me what you think so far!
rock on Bert you keep on blogging!
Thanks for your support, Jerry! I will... But I'm at convention now, busy saving the Synod... :) Just kidding.. :) Anyway, my roomie wants to go to bed pretty soon... So I'll have to post again tomorrow...
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