So, I've been debating on getting into some miniatures games. And I'm asking for some guidance. I've played MageKnight Dungeons (it's a dungeon crawl not the massive battle one) and also HeroClix Marvel. And I have some of those figures still around. I liked Dungeons and they had some great miniatures but the ones they are producing now don't look that good. Plus, there's not too many people that play. As for HeroClix, it was fun but the rules in my opinion were really hard to understand and I hated the 'activation' markers. Also I did play Warmachine once and loved the miniatures and the play. So here's my options:
1) Make my own game rules using my MageKnight Dungeons guys (like what many others have been doing)
2) Make my own Heroes games using my HeroClix (a little more complicated with all the different hero ablilities)
3)Start Warmachine (I like the miniatures and the play)
Any other suggestions? I'm looking for something that's not too expensive, that's why I like Warmachine ($40 to start...cost of a board game). What do you think?

Well, Ryan, you can figure what I would probably say... If you're really in for some cheap(er) stuff, I'd recommend plastics, historicals. You'd have to make up your own rules, or you could use the rules your buddy in Nebraska writes... ha... :)
Actually, having played warmachine before, I really liked it. I've heard that it's become more infantry based, and a little more figure intensive (but by that I mean something like 25 figures instead of 6...) And I'd play with you, if I had the figs...
As for the other two options, well... I'll let you decide. Personally I think you should do all three... But then I'm really kinda wierd that way. I'm actually trying to polish up a rule set. Hopefully it will be "done" soon.
Thanks Bert! I've thought about the plastics alot. I might stick with my MageKnight stuff and create some rules for it. As for the Hero Clix, I liked but I didn't like the activations, much like HeroScape. I'm still thinking about Warmachine. It is fun to play and I like that sci-fi-ish genre. But the money I saved for it I spent. On a board game, Twilight Imperium. It's a great game and takes 6 hours to play.
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