Welcome to Bert Bat Con

To tell you the truth, this blog is about my meanderings in Miniature Wargaming. Enjoy.

Monday, July 14, 2008


So, the question is, does Bert think it is OK to play a game that he has not made up? "Of course" is the answer. One such game is Heroscape. The figures are pretty good, and the terrain is OK too... however, I would like a more free-form style of movement (ditch the hexes and go with a ruler) as well as a different activation system. But, no game can be "perfect" not even my games...

Well, I was going to show you some images of a heroscape setup that I have on my table, but the interface is proving uncooperative. So, just wait a bit...

1 comment:

Ryan Oakes said...

Heroscape always looked interesting to me. I've been tempted to pick it up but the whole idea of it being a Collectable really turned me off. Are they going to phase out some of the groups to add more so that I can't expand on the team that I have? And it just 'forces' me to buy more of their product. Is Heroscape like this?